- empirically, where they might simply notice that changing the order of the numbers being operated on changes the result;
- intuitively, where they develop some sense of why the result changes (eg, because we operate on some numbers more than on others);
- analytically, where they observe closely what happens to the numbers step by step.
As with pyramids, changing the order of the numbers can change the final result.
Tuesday: Having had the opportunity to explore the merge machine in Monday's task, we ask more focussed questions about particular results and a general rule.
2, 20, 10 and 10, 20, 2.
Similarly, the smallest result occurs when the smallest number, in this case 2, is in the middle cell, ie for 10, 2, 20 and 20, 2, 10.
Pupils might well have thought initially that there would be only one arrangement for each outcome. However, from a brief consideration of the symmetry of the merge machine, it is clear that there must be two.
The fact that the largest result occurs when the largest number is in the middle cell (and vice versa) might help pupils gain a sense of what the machine is doing - somehow the middle number is 'reduced' less than the outer numbers. What precisely is going on? We consider a detailed method of analysis in Friday's task...
Wednesday: Here we modify Marge's machine in a way that reduces the symmetry and that should help pupils get a better sense of what is happening to the numbers.
Thursday: Here we ask more focussed questions again, concerning the size of the result for the given numbers and in general.
Similarly, the smallest result is obtained when the smallest number, in this case 2, is placed in the right-hand cell, ie for these two arrangements: 20, 10, 2 and 10, 20, 2.
The fact that there are two arangments in each case derives from the symmetry of the left side of the machine. The crucial role played by the right-hand cell, namely that the number it contains is not 'reduced' as much (or as often) as the other numbers, might again help pupils gain insight into what is going on.
Interestingly, the largest and smallest results here (13 and 8½) are the same as for Marge's original machine. Are the two machines equivalent??
Friday: Here we look in detail at what happens to the given numbers at each step. How does Mark's way of writing the results express the fact that numbers are being 'merged'?
If we apply this form of analysis to Marge's original machine, for example to the arrangement 2, 10, 20 shown in Monday's task, we can see that the outer numbers 2 and 20 are halved twice, but that when the middle number 10 is first halved, this result is placed in two cells before being halved again. Thus we end up with 2/4 + 10/4 + 10/4 + 20/4, or 2/4 + 10/2 + 20/4. This is the same result as we would get on Mark's modified machine for the arrangment 2, 20, 10. So the two machines are equivalent, with the middle cell on Marge's version corresponding to the last cell on Mark's. [Note: we are not suggesting that you should take the analysis this far with any given class, but it might resonate with some pupils, as I hope it does with us!]